Monday 14 January 2013

Sightseers film review

I saw this film on a whim, not knowing what to expect but that there should be some laughter involved.  Sure enough, there were moments scattered throughout the film that achieved this result.  Many of those amusing moments were paired with acute shock at the dark subject material.  Disappointingly, there were just as many moments that reached for a laugh but fell flat.

I enjoyed the performances of our central couple and the supporting cast they meet along the way.  I enjoyed the unpredictable plot and the daffy script.  The appreciated that the drabness of the characters and scenery helped to ground the story, however absurd it became.

I enjoyed many moments of Sightseers, but ultimately it was like an adornment strung with pearls and popcorn.  What do you do with it?

For instance, the over-the-top characterisation of our lead's mother felt out of step with the more subtle qualities of other characters.  Similarly, the protagonists' reactions to the events that lead to the second turning point were at odds with their reactions to other similar moments.  I could forgive these inconsistencies if I had laughed more.  Ultimately, the laughs were too few and far between to make this an unmissable comedy.

I enjoyed it.  You might too.  I would not suggest you go out of your way to make sure you see this.

See this film if you have a dark sense of humour, and 90 minutes to murder.

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