Wednesday 21 August 2013

Motel theatre review

Four stories take place in one motel room.  The stories are unrelated, but the curmudgeonly motel owner appears in each, to varying degrees of importance.  As the format might suggest, the play is something of a mixed bag.

Each story has great dramatic potential, but the development of the characters is lacking, to the point that I found I was often not invested in their plight, or the outcome of each scenario.  The characters never felt like true characters, instead remaining thin representations of a stereotype.  Consequently, the hard-hitting moments never quite land the way they ought to.

There is some strong acting, but generally the emotions are downplayed which gives the play a wash of sameness to it.  However, the cast are not to blame here.  The script simply needs more work.

I just got a bit bored, really.

The scenes would have been helped by an increase in pace.  Things felt slow and time dragged.  The director missed several opportunities to inject a fresh energy.  Even the interludes between scenes were unnecessarily sluggish.  Disappointing.

See this play if you have patience, or a drug that messes with your perception of time.

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