Friday 23 August 2013

Resident Alien theatre review

What is Resident Alien?  Is it a play?  There is no story to speak of.  Is it a biography?  Of sorts.  A tribute?  Yes.  It is a one man show and a character study and a warm-hearted tribute to an entertainer whose chief talent was his captivating personality.  Quentin Crisp was undoubtedly eccentric, but he was also educated and quick-witted.  He was a fascinating man.  So much so that a show in his honour need not bother with a plot, or a clever premise, or dramatic reenactments of his early life.  Simply seeing the man embodied is enough to grip the audience for as long as it takes for him to impart the wisdom he wishes to share.

For he also demonstrated surprising wisdom; Crisp was nothing if not insightful.  His way with words and his manner of delivery mean that the most serious of matters can be made frivolous, and the most complex issues reduced to a snappy phrase. Yet within these glib soundbites and witticisms is great truth.  That was his genius: to succinctly express life's struggles and overcome them with style.

His is a legacy worth learning about, and seeing Resident Alien is an enjoyable way to start.

See Roy Ward bring Crisp to life while you can.  It's as close as you'll get to the real thing.

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