Tuesday 10 September 2013

Speaking in Tongues theatre review

Speaking in Tongues is the sort of play that has earned Silo its reputation for presenting bold plays with rich material for its cast.  This production is slick and stylish, and securely acted.  It is what we have come to expect from Silo and I enjoyed it.

It is a play that provides much food for thought, particularly about relationships.  It acknowledges the complexity of marriage and our glimpses into several relationships point to relatable issues, while entertaining.

The cast of four are all adept at natural characterisation, and I was particularly impressed with Oliver Driver, who gives us three very different characters, and makes them all interesting and interestingly vulnerable.  The quality I felt was lacking from all performances was spontaneity.  The play is carefully staged, and much of it requires measured performances from the actors, but there was also room for some less guarded moments.  As it was, there were no surprises.  It would have been the icing on the cake to see some raw emotion.

But that's just my minor quibble.  The play is rather outstanding, and Silo present a polished production with excellent production values.  The Herald Theatre has never looked so much like a real theatre!

See this play and lose yourself in a yarn of intertwined relationships and the fallout that can come from taking risks.  

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