Sunday 8 September 2013

Stoker film review

Chan-wook Park's first English language feature film proves that his style translates just fine.  The language of his films is very much a visual one, and his ongoing collaboration with cinematographer Chung-hoon Chung is one of the most exciting in the film industry today.

The world he creates for Stoker is one of Gothic beauty, observed in ultra-amplified sound and intensified colour.  This is one of the most beautiful films I've ever seen, so the absorbing characters and their surprising story is an added bonus.  It's a morbid tale, though, so it won't be to everyone's liking.  It seems Park excels best in such twisted mysteries.

Mia Wokawski and Matthew Goode turn in outstanding performances while Nicole Kidman relies on her usual bag of tricks. 

See this film for a visual feast.  I found it refreshing to see a story told in such a bold, interesting way.

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