Saturday 23 February 2013

Dolly Mixture theatre review

In spite of the family-friendly title, this show is not for children.  The bizarre, colourful characters of Dolly Mixture inhabit a world in which all things are possible, and as events grow ever more macabre, they take each turn in stride.  The bizarre, colourful world of Dolly Mixture is given no explanation except that Tom Sainsbury is present.

Sainsbury creates a piece that sidesteps criticism by creating not only a new world, but a new theatrical language.  The acting sometimes seemed terrible, but it always felt intentionally so.  Some stage effects were elaborate while at other times cigarettes and beverages were mimed.  Lighting states were dictated by actors and songs were improvised to fill time (were those songs improvised? was it to fill time?).

Dolly Mixture is a play (I guess) of assorted treats.  They don't always taste good, and are seldom in good taste, but they do entertain.  I was shocked, frightened, surprised, grossed out, amused and confused.  That is a lot of things to be in 60 minutes.

I would probably not have attended this show had I known what to expect, but I am glad I did.  I was only disappointed that the many many dolls on the set were underused.

See this show if you enjoy quirky characters, horror, and are not easily offended.

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