Saturday 23 February 2013

Tim Dibley. Masterclass. Theatre review

Tim Dibley's Masterclass is an interesting concept for a show and I believe it could work.  Involving audience members to demonstrate bogus acting techniques and ridiculous scenarios has potential.  In the right hands, it would be funny.

In this case, I did not find it funny.

It could be that his show is a work in progress, but comedy is a funny thing (get it?) and I think I just would not find Tim Dibley funny in any case.  I was reminded of those hypnosis shows that rely on the inherent comedy of people doing things they would not do in daily life.  Well, hardy har har.  As an actor I have done so many ridiculous things in the name of art that two actors kissing each other's elbows no longer gets a reaction from me.  Maybe I'm just jaded.  Maybe the show was not particularly inspired.

Somewhere in there, though, is a kernel of a great idea.  Perhaps the participants need to be more willing.  Perhaps there needs to be more open improvisation - the type that really can lead anywhere.  Perhaps other comedians could make this concept work.

Tim Dibley's onstage persona was funny, but the gags left me cold.  It kept hinting at better things to come, and never really got off the ground.  Frustrating.

See this show if you think nudity is funny.  And if you think nudity means wearing underwear.

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