Thursday 21 February 2013

Wild Southern Beasts film review

Wild Southern Beasts is a film in which there are people...and they do things.  That's as much as I got out of it.

I didn't connect at all with the lead character, so found it very difficult to care about anything that happened.  Furthermore, I struggled to understand the motives each character had for their actions.  I could suppose why certain people did certain things - but without enough evidence to support any particular argument I found myself simply frustrated.  Never before has a 90 minute feature felt so long.

This is not to say that the film lacks action, but somehow none of it managed to engage me.  My failure to connect with the film may be due to the fact I have nothing in common with any of the characters.  Am I that vain?  Maybe, but I don't lack sympathy.  It is rare that I care so little about imaginary people and their imaginary lives.  I can be quite a bleeding heart, so for me to care so little is rather a feat.  Also, there are very few people in the world who would relate easily to savage humans choosing to live in squalor - and those people are the cinema-going types.  Wow, I've never before felt like such a condescending WASP.

Wild Southern Beasts is pretty, and the music is good...other than that I just don't have much to say.  Sadly , I found the whole thing not just forgettable but something I wish to forget.

See this film if you like crappy films like About Schmidt and The Horse Whisperer.

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