Saturday 9 March 2013

The Finger Family Tent Revival theatre (?) review

On a summer's evening, in the welcoming bosom of Golden Dawn, a band starts up and a dance troupe dressed in white physically interpret the vocal praises sung by Mrs Fanny Finger.  On the conclusion of the opening number, we are introduced to the rambling manner of preacher/word baron Mr Buddy Finger.  So continues the evening with Fanny's pure singing alternating with Buddy's vague yet impassioned speeches.  The dancers offer support from the sidelines or the dance floor.

I was at the bar with the intention of watching this performance, but not all of the Friday night crowd were.  I wonder what they made of the events.  To the unfocused observer, this may have appeared to be a genuine church service.  The songs were recognisable gospel numbers and they were delivered straight.  An unsuspecting Christian could easily have joined in the praise and felt quite at home.  Buddy's preaching usually sounded fairly legitimate, and only on paying close attention was the listener rewarded with the entertainment of ridiculous puns and nonsensical parables.

While I enjoyed listening to Buddy ramble, he lacked a message of any kind.  I feel the show needed some sort of message to tie it together.  Without presenting a strong point of view, it is difficult to know what to make of the various showpieces.  It was surprising for such an inflammatory style of show to present no strong message - after all, revival meetings are designed with exactly that in mind...aren't they?

A strong concept with enjoyable performances from all involved...but what was the point?  

See this show if you enjoy church music and immersive theatrical experiences.

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